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The historical town Müllheim

The following guided tour show you the most beautiful buildings, squares and streets of “Müllheim”. You will also get to see the church “Martinskirche“ and the museum “Markgräfler Museum“.

The guided tour starts at the square “Markgräflerplatz” which is a astonishing ensemble of buildings from the Baroque era and the Renaissance. The historic centre of “Müllheim” mainly consists out of vine yards and large squares.

Our competent guide will show you the most beautiful buildings, places and streets of this town.

There are many places where you find archeological excavations which relegate to Roman, Merovingian, Alemanic and Franconian colonaziation. The region used to be under the leadership of the “Zähringer” for a short time, then under the leadership of the earl of “Freiburg” also for a short period only. After that “Müllheim” was under the leadership of the margrave of “Hachberg- Sausenburg” in 1444 and then the margrave of “Baden” took over the leadership. The country “Badisches Markgräflerland” was born (1503).

In 1668 “Müllheim” earns the right to hold a formers market. This market is supposed to support the economic revival and therefore reduce the poverty of the society after the wars.

Until 1727 “Müllheim” consisted out of two parts “Obermüllheim” and “Niedermüllheim”. But in 1727 the administrative district went from “Badenweiler” to “Müllheim” and is most likely the reason for the fusion of the two villages into one. Economic revival was mainly due to the wine trade and the number of inhabitants increased up to 1700 because more officers, craftsmen and business folk were needed. Only 300 of them had civic rights.

Very important for the development of “Müllheim” was also the award of municipal law in 1810. During the following years a district exchange, district court, finance office, forestry office and several schools made “Müllheim” the main administration town of the region.

“Müllheim” also used to be and still is the centre of the margravian vineyard and has about 480 ha vineland. From 1872 up till now the annual vine market takes place here.

In 1905/06 “Müllheim” turned into a garrison town and today it is the domicile of the German- French brigade with about 1300 soldiers.

The town lost its position due to the administrative reform and its number of inhabitants increased because the villages “Britzingen”, “Dattingen”, “Feldberg”, “Hügelheim”, “Niederweiler”, “Vögisheim” and Zunzingen are now also part of the administrative districe “Müllheim”. Since 1972 it has about 30000 Einwohner.

Due to its history and its function as administrative district in education, culture and economy “Müllheim” is called the heart of the margravian country. There are also three hot springs very close to “Müllheim” which makes it very interesting for tourism.



Startpunkt der Tour

Tourist-Information in Müllheim

Endpunkt der Tour

Tourist-Information in Müllheim

Highlights entlang der Route

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