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On paths of the Petite Camargue Alsacienne – Three Auen Tour

The path leads through paths of the nature park past all major attractions:

The Augraben, the building of the Rhine exhibition, the building of fish farming, the observation towers overlooking the ponds, the main building, in which the management of the Petite Camargue Alsacienne is housed, as well as outbuildings for researchers. If you are lucky, you will see the Highland cattle in the pasture.

The Petite Camargue Alsacienne is a nature reserve, which is managed by the Association Petite Camargue Alsacienne, a club with over 600 members and 17 permanent employees. It is recognized since 1982 by the Ministry and was initially 120 ha, 904 ha in 2006 (especially the Rhine island) expanded. The association contributes through the work of volunteers and the donations of its sponsors The origin was the fish farming under Napoleon III, who wanted to supply the growing population with cheaper food.

It is the  Augraben , owed as a collector of brooks Lertzbach, Liesbach and Mühlenbach that the area was constantly under water. So here's a plant (1852-1862) was built for the propagation and free delivery. After several changes of ownership but it was decommissioned in 1971 and began to fall apart.

It is thanks to the use of the "Association Petite Camargue Alsacienne" position using the terrain donors bought and since then operate the fish farming (circulation of the Treaty), entertain, and the conditioning, care for the birds and butterflies as well as the Maintaining habitats.

Nowadays, the "Petite Camarge" is a very popular destination, which is often visited by families, schools, hikers, photographers and nature lovers in Dreyländereck FR-DE-CH.

Public toilets can be found here:
- Lockhouse south side
- Hall of Rhein exhibition north side
- At the entrance of the Au stadium

automated defibrillator (AED):
- At the lockhouse

Waste collection:
- Just south of the lockhouse
- West of the Conservation Centre

Open WiFi / WLAN:
- Lockhouse


On weekends in the summer, the CINE/Shop is open and offers small Catering.

Otherwise, there are on the Rue de Stasbourg a pizzeria and a restaurant serving typical Alsatian dishes.


One should never forget to bring your binoculars. Only thus can one shy birds and discover distant from the way plants.

Weitere Infos & Links

It offered groups also guided walks. (Fr) Please contact the CINE.

- Phone: +33 (0) 3 89 89 78 50

~ Internet: http://www.petitecamarguealsacienne.com/

The Shop Natu'Rhinfo located in the west wings of the former imperial fish farming in the Rhine exhibition. You will find, among other books, Nature guides, local products and beverages. In this building is also a public toilet.

Please stick to the rules!

The reserve regulation has to preserve the objective of the biodiversity of the Petite Camargue

Within the conservation area of ​​the Petite Camargue are prohibited

refer animals or plants or to destroy or to kill,

to disturb animals,

introduce pets in the Petite Camargue Alsacienne, except leashed dogs or police, search and rescue dogs

hunting or fishing,

camp to / camping / bivouac and to make fire,

work to be done, which can impair the natural balance,

drive around with motor vehicles or to park it,

Rubbish throw.

Please stay on the designated trails and behave calmly.

Who wants to support the project please check on the website or walk past in the shop.

Office de tourisme du Pays de Saint Louis, Region of 3 Pays
81 Rue Vauban, 68128 Village-Neuf
- Phone: 33 (0) 3 89 70 04 49
- Internet: http://www.saintlouis-tourisme.fr

Open: Monday to Saturday 09: 00-12: 00 hours, 13: 30-17: 30
Sunday and Holidays Closed
Tuesday 10: 30-12: 00, 13: 30-17: 30

Highlights entlang der Route

  • Themenweg

    Auf Pfaden der Petite Camargue Alsacienne - "Mittlere Au" Rundgang

    Der Weg führt über Wege des Naturparks vorbei an allen wichtigen Sehenswürdigkeiten:

    Dem Augraben, dem Gebäude der Rheinausstellung, dem Gebäude der Fischzucht, den Beobachtungsständen mit Blick auf die Teiche, dem Hauptgebäude, in dem die Verwaltung der Petite Camargue Alsacienne untergebracht ist, sowie Nebengebäude für die Forscher. Wenn Sie Glück haben, sehen Sie auch die Highland Rinder auf der Weide.

  • Themenweg

    Sur les sentiers de la Petite Camargue Alsacienne - "Mittlere Au" Parcours

    Le chemain passe par le park naturel et touche à des curiosités les plus importantes:

    Le Augraben, le batiment Patrimoine du Rhin, le batimant Patrimoine du Saumon, des observatoires avec vue sur des étangs, la maison central, dans laquelle réside l'administration de la Petite Camarge Alsacienne ansi des annexes pour les chercheurs et étudiants.. Avec un peut de chance vous voyer des Highlanders dans leur champ.

  • Themenweg

    Auf Pfaden der Petite Camargue Alsacienne - Drei-Auen Rundgang

    Der Weg führt über Wege des Naturparks vorbei an allen wichtigen Sehenswürdigkeiten:

    Dem Augraben, dem Gebäude der Rheinausstellung, dem Gebäude der Fischzuchtausstellung, den Beobachtungssständen mit Blick auf die Teiche, dem Hauptgebäude, in dem die Verwaltung der Petite Camargue Alsacienne untergebracht ist, sowie Nebengebäude für die Forscher. Wenn Sie Glück haben, sehen Sie auch die Highland Rinder auf der Weide.

  • Themenweg

    On paths of the Petite Camargue Alsacienne – "Mittlere Au" Tour

    The path leads through paths of the nature park past all major attractions:

    The Augraben, the building of the Rhine exhibition, the building of fish farming, the observation towers overlooking the ponds, the main building, in which the management of the Petite Camargue Alsacienne is housed, as well as outbuildings for researchers. If you are lucky, you will see the Highland cattle in the pasture.

  • Themenweg

    Sur les sentiers de la Petite Camargue Alsacienne - Trois Auen Parcours

    Le chemain passe par le park naturel et touche à des curiosités les plus importantes:

    Le Augraben, le batiment Patrimoine du Rhin, le batimant Patrimoine du Saumon, des observatoires avec vue sur des étangs, la maison central, dans laquelle réside l'administration de la Petite Camarge Alsacienne ansi des annexes pour les chercheurs et étudiants.. Avec un peut de chance vous voyer des Highlanders dans leur champ.

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