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Riding on the wine way E-Biketour

This roundtrip starts at the wine-growing village “Zunzingen” from where you can already see the vine yards. During this tour you will ride along the wine ways of Baden and through many wine- growing villages. If you ride this tour during the fall season you will also be able to discover diverse grape varieties. This tour also serves historical and cultural sightseeing like the castle of “Staufen” and the “Villa Urbana”.


From the village “Zunzingen“ take the first street to your left and drive steep up the hill. Then follow the cycling path towards the village "Britzingen” where you can visit the historical church “St. Johanneskirche”. Next stop is the village “Laufen” where you will find famous market garden from the countness Zeppelin.

After passing through “Laufen” take the first street left into an country lane which you follow for about 1 km through the vine yards. At the end of the vine yards you turn right towards the town “Sulzburg”.

The next stop on this round trip is the village “Ballrechten- Dottingen”. To reach this village you have to cross the roundabout and take a right behind the first bridge. Then drive straight through the vine yards towards “Ballrechten- Dottingen”. In the village turn right into the “Otto- Karrer- Straße” and follow this street until you reach its end where you turn right towards the town “Staufen”.

Once you’ve reached “Staufen” you can take a look at the castle and the historic centre which are really worth it. Next stop is the village “Heitersheim”. To reach this village, take the street “Wettelbrunnerstraße”.

In “Heitersheim” turn right into the “Badhausstraße” and cross the little creek “Sulzbach”. Follow the green and white sign towards “Betberg” and be prepared for the beautiful scenery of the margravian country. In “Betberg” continue this roundtrip by driving towards “Buggungen” then towards “Dattingen” and then you’ve reached the end of your tour, the village “Zunzingen”.

Startpunkt der Tour

Busstation Zunzingen

Endpunkt der Tour

Busstation Zunzingen

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